Swedish: Kristokratin är i grunden antisemitisk (och antihinduisk, antibuddhistisk o.s.v.) eftersom fundamentalister inte tillåter att andra religioner existerar som fullvärdiga alternativ till den egna tron. Mycket av den religiösa ivern ägnas åt att omvända andra. Ann Coulter är en fullblodskristokrat. Hon är också en av de mer högljudda hatpredikanterna i USA (se länkar nedan).
Christocracy is basically and profoundly Anti-Semitic (and Anti-Hinduic, Anti-Buddhistic etc.) since fundamentalists are incapable of allowing other religions to exist as equal alternatives to their own faith. Much of the religious frenzy is directed into proselyting. Ann Coulter is a Blue Blood Christocrat. She is also the Goddess of Hate Preaching in the USA:
Coulter: "[P]rofiling Muslims is more like profiling the Klan"
Coulter lauded discrimination against Arab, Middle Eastern
More from Media Matters on Coutler's Anti-Semitic remarks (O'Reilly to Coulter: "I don't even care, to tell you the truth" about Coulter's controversial comments): O'Reilly did not note that several Jewish organizations have denounced her comments, including the American Jewish Congress, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
About her book "Godless: The Church of Liberalism":
Andra bloggar om: Ann Coulter, Coulter, antisemitism, fascism, liberalism, USA, religion, fundamentalism, islam, islamism, islamofascism, islamofobi, kristendom, kristokrati, kristnazism, media, US media, politik - Intressant
Technorati: Ann Coulter, Coulter, Anti-Semitism, Antisemitism, Liberalism, US Media, Media, Fascism, Sweden, USA, Islamism, Islamofascism, Religion, Fundamentalism, Christ, Christianity, Christocracy, Islam, Politics
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